All the videos are for download, not for streaming online.
To watch the videos you should save them on your hard drive first.
It depends on the browser you are using.
With firefox simply click the right mouse button on the download link and select “Save the object as…”.
With google chrome you can click the right mouse button on the download link and select “Save the link as…”
After downloading the videos you should open them with any video player.
Sometimes it may happen you can’t open the video at your computer. It means you don’t have all the necessary video codecs installed.
First. You should download all the necessary codecs here
Install it.
Second. Open the video file (we strongly recommend you to use media player classic (included in the pack) instead of windows player. Try it, you will like it).
With all these codecs+player you’ll be able to open any exotic video format.
Enjoy the vids!